Masks for face wrinkles at home, recipes, application, contraindications

Before each young woman, the question is how to preserve the youthfulness of the skin and maintain the freshness of the face, especially in our crazy times, when our body is under constant stress, there are drastic climate changes, temperature swings, sun, extremes of humidity, etc. In this background, the wrinkles can appear even in their twenties girls. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use homemade face masks based on natural products.

mask of wrinkles

In addition to the negative impact of environmental factors contribute to early appearance of wrinkles can active facial expressions, and the use of substandard cosmetics. Therefore, to maintain youthful skin is better to use natural ingredients, because any chemicals has a negative impact on the skin, let it not immediately noticeable. Natural masks for facial wrinkles prevents the appearance of early signs of aging, and also helps keep your skin smooth, clean and supple for many years.

If you are considering using natural products in skin care should know, that mask of them must be selected in accordance with your skin type. I recall that the skin may be normal, dry, oily and combination. Before applying any mask (prepared or cooked yourself) you must test for allergies (on a small patch of skin, usually on the elbow to put a little money instead and wait twenty minutes). If the negative reaction of the skin is missing, so the mask can be safely used on the face.

Rules for the application of masks from wrinkles:

  • any mask from wrinkles, at the end of the exposure time frozen on the face, forming a crust, should be kept on the face for twenty minutes;
  • masks should be applied on clean skin to facilitate penetration of active substances into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • the mask is applied lightly (without pressure) in the direction of massage lines (from the chin to the ears in lobis, from upper lip to ear, from mid-forehead to the temples, from the nose to the tip of the nose);
  • mask from wrinkles should be applied in the period of time when the skin is in a normal tone (not early and not late in the evening);
  • the mask can be applied on the skin around the eyes (with the exception of a special mask for this area);
  • after applying the mask is recommended to lie down in a quiet place within five to twenty minutes, depending on the time of the mask;
  • after the mask the skin need to rest for two hours, during this period it is advisable not to use powder, blush and Foundation;
  • wash off the mask should be warm boiled water careful and delicate movements, not to cause hyperextension of the skin and not to injure it;
  • after removing the mask from wrinkles on the face and neck, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin caduca.

To enhance the action mask from wrinkles during the preparation to the procedure, it is recommended to conduct a steam bath for the face or a hot compress of decoction of lime for cooking that should pour two tablespoons of lime-colored Cup of boiling water and infuse for ten minutes, then strain.

To delay the onset of age-related changes will help vitamin and a hydrating mask with the addition of egg yolk, honey, herbal extracts, cosmetic clays, etc.

Contraindications to the use of masks:

  • the dilated vessels on the face,
  • excessive growth of coarse hair on the face.

Recipes home masks for facial wrinkles.

For dry and normal skin

face mask

In beaten egg whites add three to six drops of lemon juice. Using a brush, apply a smooth layer on the skin, withstand five minutes, then apply another layer and to withstand the weight for fifteen minutes on the face.

Grind two teaspoons of cottage cheese low fat with a teaspoon of juice of greens of parsley, to include a teaspoon of Flaxseed oil and conciderunt rhoncus or lemon zest (also a teaspoon). The composition applied to the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and three tablespoons of milk. Composition to withstand fifteen minutes.

This mask can be applied in the absence of allergies to the listed ingredients. Egg yolk grind with a teaspoon of any fruit or berry juice (you can use raspberries, plums, apples, strawberries, etc., apply to fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm, then cool water.

Fruit masks are perfectly struggling with forehead wrinkles. They are perfectly smooth the skin and provide a mild exfoliation on the Cornea layer.

For dry skin

When peeling of the skin on the face, apply any vegetable oil, and the top to lubricate it with beaten egg yolk. The composition to stand for twenty minutes, then rinse.

Chop tomato pulp and mix it with starch so that the final result caricatura homogeneous mass. It add three to five drops of olive oil and apply on the skin. Composition to withstand fifteen to twenty minutes.

One pound potatoes, cooked in their skins (clear). In solanum tuberosum mass, add the egg yolk and a little milk. The composition is slightly warmed and in the form of heat apply on face. Composition to withstand fifteen minutes.

Grate using a grater with three fresh cucumber of medium size, the resulting mass add two tablespoons of sour cream. The composition applied to the face and stand for twenty minutes.

This mask has a bleaching effect. Cook a small piece of pumpkin and pound it to a pulp. Take half teaspoon of this puree and add a teaspoon of honey. The composition to endure on the skin for twenty minutes.

For oily skin

Fresh Apple peel, cut into cubes, add small amount of milk and cook on slow fire until a thick mass, which apply on skin and leave on for twenty minutes.

A teaspoon of blue clay (kaolin) combine with the same amount of sour cream to the low fat content and add five drops of tea tree oil. Composition to withstand fifteen minutes.

This mask has a bleaching effect. To combine two tablespoons of yogurt with a teaspoon of lemon juice, add a tablespoon or a little less pulp Rowan ten minutes.

For aging or caduca leather

Prepare fresh juice of aloe leaves (will need two tablespoons), mix it with a tablespoon of honey, previously warmed in a water bath. Composition applied for ten minutes.

A tablespoon of chopped banana pulp mix with the same amount of sour cream, liquid honey and add the beaten egg yolk. The composition can withstand at least twenty minutes. For efficiency, the procedure is done three times a week. Such mask smoothes nasolabial folds.

For the skin around the eyes

anti-aging mask

Since the skin around the eyes does not have sebaceous glands, it is the most vulnerable area of the skin where wrinkles appear even at an early age. Therefore, care for this area of need as early as possible and carefully.

Grind two tablespoons of sour cream with a teaspoon of chopped parsley. Composition to distribute around the eyes, on top apply the wet cotton swab. Composition to withstand fifteen minutes.

To combine a teaspoon of liquid honey with egg yolk. The composition applied to the eye area and to withstand fifteen minutes.

Soak a small piece of the pulp of white bread in any coctae vegetable oil. Mass to distribute on the area around eyes and wash off after fifteen minutes.

Mash with a fork three strawberries, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Wrapped in pieces of gauze cotton pads moisten them obtained the berry-honey mixture and apply on the eye area for twenty minutes. Then wipe the skin of cosmetic disk moistened in milk.

For all skin types

Grind a teaspoon of softened butter with egg yolk. The composition applied to the skin for twenty minutes. Rinse off the best infusion of nettle.

Fresh parsley squeeze a teaspoon of juice, add two teaspoons of low fat cottage cheese, half a teaspoon of cod liver oil and a teaspoon of grated grated lemon or orange zest. This vitamin composition stir thoroughly and apply on face, after twenty minutes, rinse.

To soften the skin will fit this mask: a teaspoon of butter to pound with a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount macilentum cream. The composition to endure twenty minutes, then remove with a cotton pad soaked in white wine, diluted with water (1:1).

Mix a tablespoon of liquid honey with the same amount of milk, add any that are suitable to your skin type, essential oils (a few drops). The composition applied to the skin and withstand twenty minutes.

Grind in a blender with 50 g of low fat cheese with one fresh cucumber. Apply the mixture on the skin and stand fifteen or twenty minutes.

This mask will not only cleanse the skin, has a bleaching effect. Half a teaspoon of cranberry pulp to combine with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mass apply on face and leave for twenty minutes.

Grind the pulp of quince and connect it to macilentum cream. The composition to endure a twenty minutes. Wash away the cosmetic mask must be soaked in warm water, then rinse face with cool water.

A small amount of baking yeast dissolve in warm water and add rye flour. A lot to endure in a warm place during the day. A dense layer to distribute the mass on the face and leave for fifteen minutes.

mask for normal skin

For nourishing, moisturizing and toning the skin mask from honey. To avoid allergic reactions this mask is recommended to do every two weeks. Heat two teaspoons of honey in a water bath, add two tablespoons of flour and one beaten egg white. Weight it is recommended to apply special brush for more delicate and uniform coating, to withstand fifteen minutes. Wash the part first with warm, then cool water.

The following mask perfectly softens, nourishes and rejuvenates the skin. To connect a teaspoon heated in a water bath honey with the same amount of glycerin (buy at the pharmacy). To achieve a thick consistency mass is necessary to introduce a small amount of flour. The mask to stand for fifteen minutes.

Grind using a fine grater medium carrots, add to the mass of two teaspoons honey, warmed in a water bath. The composition applied to the face and leave for twenty minutes.

A small amount of aloe Vera pulp mixed with a teaspoon of liquid honey, add the egg yolk and a tablespoon of milk powder. Mix until a homogeneous consistency. The weight is evenly spread on the face and keep for twenty minutes.

Olive oil can be used as compresses for the skin, and in combination with different ingredients its efficiency increases several times. For example, combine 50 ml of olive oil (you can substitute jojoba, sesame, Flaxseed, almond) with 10 ml of vitamin E capsules. Daily, in the evening, circular motions for two minutes to RUB the mixture into the eyelids, and then, after five minutes, remove excess mixture, blotting with a paper towel.

Carefully grind two tablespoons of chopped raw potato pulp with a tablespoon of olive oil and the same quantity of decoction of parsley (a tablespoon of chopped parsley to brew a half Cup of boiling water, to insist half an hour and strain). The composition of the blend on the face. This is the same team to put in gauze and apply to the eye area. Withstand twenty minutes, after which the mask would be removed by a cosmetic disc. Wash after this procedure is not necessary. Better to spend the night.

Mix two tablespoons of fresh juice of beets, carrots and cabbage. Moisten the mixture tela cloth, gently squeeze and apply on face. Withstand twenty minutes, then wash with cool water.

Mix one and a half tablespoons of honey with a teaspoon of carrot juice, apply on the face and stand fifteen minutes. Rinse composition should warm water with the addition of a small amount of baking soda.

RUB the egg white with a tablespoon of low fat cream. The composition applied to fifteen minutes.

To get rid of wrinkles on the neck will help this mask: puree the pulp of a banana mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil, apply the mixture on the neck, and after twenty minutes rinse with cool water.

Natural masks from wrinkles, there are many, to describe them all is simply impossible. It is not necessary to hope that with their help it is possible to eliminate the existing wrinkles, but they perfectly increase the skin elasticity, improve skin tone and improve the complexion, aligning the creases and make wrinkles less pronounced.