Krzysztof Pertkiewicz author

Krzysztof Pertkiewicz


  • The article contains a collection of effective methods of skin rejuvenation, their advantages and disadvantages.
    12 December 2021
  • After the summer, need special care for the skin as it was exposed to bad influence of the bright sun, dry winds and salt water.
    1 December 2018
  • The principle of operation of devices of laser resurfacing is in the impact on the deeper layers of the dermis without damaging the upper layers of the epidermis. About the features of devices for laser skin rejuvenation you will learn from this article.
    21 August 2018
  • There is nothing special about the beauty of Thai women: the heart of everything — well maintained flawless skin that retains its freshness for a long time. Each nation has its own secrets for maintaining female beauty and youth.
    17 August 2018
  • The appearance of first wrinkles can frustrate even a most confident and strong lady, but there comes a time when the skin begins to age – this is quite a natural process.
    13 August 2018
  • A little bit about home hardware cosmetology; types of instruments; the Leading manufacturers of apparatus; d'arsonval facial – the secret of rejuvenation instrument; Recommendations for home darsonvalizations; an Integrated approach
    11 August 2018
  • The first signs of aging of the organism appear already at the age of 25-30 years, when around the eyes begin to form wrinkles. This facial area contains little subcutaneous adipose tissue and is characterized by great sensitivity.
    11 August 2018