Effective skin rejuvenation facial at home

young skin

Wilting of the skin – an inevitable process that is bound to waiting for each person. Not all ladies are willing to deal with it. After all, beauty and youth allow many to succeed not only in personal, but also public or professional sphere. With age it is possible to fight in different ways, in particular effective is the quality of the cream and салонные procedures. But some women do not have the opportunity to visit a beautician, to help them stay attractive best home remedies. How to rejuvenate facial skin without spending a lot of money on buying expensive cosmetics? Use the tips listed in this article.

What's going on in the skin of women after 40 years

With years in the body reduces the production of the main female hormone estrogen. It is the most straightforward way affects the condition of the skin, it becomes flabby, dry, on it will appear rash and other irritation. Reduces subcutaneous fat layer, and as a result, the tone and elasticity of the skin sheets. After menopause the amount of produced collagen is sharply declining, deteriorating metabolism, reduces the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The skin becomes very dry, appear enough visible wrinkles. Moisturize and напитать it you the cream of its own production with natural products (honey, eggs, milk, flour, cereals, vegetables). Effective nutritious vegetable oils: jojoba, jasmine, lavender, карите, avocado and more. It is good to use peeling from the kernel and pulp of fruits and berries.

Wrinkles around the lips, which appear closer to the age of 50 years, spoils the impression, even if you have done the right make-up. Get rid of them saturate the skin with vitamins and trace elements will give you the same oil, as well as a mask with milk, sour cream, cream, ryazhenka. Uncomfortable manifestations of age changes – pigmented spots. They spoil the appearance, and thus annoy many women. With them you can fight using a variety of whitening mask, serums and home-based lotions cucumber, parsley, milk and dairy products.

skin after 40 years

He knew how to rejuvenate facial skin at home, there is no need to be lazy and neglect procedures. Care must be regular, it is the main principle of rejuvenation. Mature skin is exhausted and does not have enough moisture. So try to drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day. To achieve a more significant result of the home remedies, it is worth it to use an integrated approach. Must necessarily be a thorough cleaning of the утором and evening, the nutrition, hydration, toning, skin protection. Very important is the correct mode of the day, good sleep, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As effective exercises for the face and self-massage, which will provide blood flow, and improve metabolism on problem areas.

Homemade recipes for every day

About how to rejuvenate facial skin at home, knows that by far not every woman. But is it possible, if they are used effective recipes and the "right" of the people's resources. After a visit to cosmetic salons, they need time and unnecessary money, and the cost of the home creams, lotions, peels and masks are a minimum. Many of the ingredients for the treatments you can find in the fridge, the others can easily buy in the drugstore or in the vicinity of the supermarket.

Proper cleaning – a promise of good appearance of your skin

home recipes

Thorough, but gentle cleansing is one of the main conditions of effective care. It is important to use a soft cloth, which do not harm the stomach and not the dried and without the addition of dry caduca skin. So, the resources on спирту better to exclude, is also not good to use soap. A great choice for washing your face – кипяченая or melted snow water. She has a small stiffness, so does not have any harmful effects on the face.

Homemade scrubs are effective for the removal of dust, blackheads and other impurities. The easiest summer recipe will help to saturate the skin with vitamins and trace elements. Take 2 tablespoons of sour cream, sugar and berries strawberries or raspberries. Mix it, lightly разомните, but not too hard, that the different sugars are not scattered. Gently apply to face and massage your problem areas, avoid eye area, rinse with warm water. Blister the berries will be this scrub is more effective, the result will be noticeable after the first treatment.

Toning for improve the metabolic processes


Massage the pieces of ice will strengthen the blood circulation, there will be a feeling of freshness and purity. Ice – a real "elixir of youth", especially if it is cooked from the broth of medicinal herbs. Rejuvenation of in this way enjoyed a great favorite with the ladies of different ages and social status already in ancient times. Should I love such recipes and the empress Catherine the second, so the advanced age has many fans. Cause the muscles in tone, to satiate its useful substances, increase flexibility and improve the color of a person can be made at home, using juice of vegetables and fruits. Advisable to even these "miracle" herbs: nettle, чистотел, chamomile, st. john's wort, sage, sequence and more.Recipe for the lazy – cut into cubes chopped fruit, vegetables or berries (grapes, strawberries, kiwi, peaches, cantaloupe, watermelon, cucumbers, peppers, etc.), raspakujte their little packages and put in mauris. In the morning доставайте one serving and протирайте frozen gifts of nature face and neck. Your skin will immediately change, since the temperature differences. Her tone returns to normal, since this type of cryotherapy is remarkable workout for the time, blood vessels and muscles.

The correct self-massage of the face

Such lym incile massage will help you to get in shape in just 15 minutes, but to do it it is necessary regularly. Before starting the vapor face in the bathroom or above the labrum with warm water for 5 minutes. Put the pads of the fingers on the center of the forehead and Pat him toward the temples. Next, place your fingers on the переносице and outside of the rotational motion on the curve of the eyebrow and then on the edge of the lower eyelid – back to переносице. Gently with your fingertips to massage your nasolabial folds, as if primina available wrinkles. For the elimination of the second chin, place the tips of the hands on his middle and made the cut motions to massage the contours of the face, the leadership of the movement towards the ears. Do no less than 6 repetitions in each exercise.

facial massage

Gymnastics for the renewal of its youth

To rejuvenate the skin at home it turned out to be more interested in, take advantage of the gymnastics for the muscles of the face. Say the letter "O", with the effort of pulling the lips in a small tube (not less than 5 times). Close your eyes and rotate them, then left, then right (10 times in each direction). With my eyes closed the lower corners of the lips as possible, showing a sad smile (from 5 reps every day). To strengthen the chin выдвигайте it forward, rolling the bottom lip on the teeth, подвигайте jaws on different sides (on 5 times a day). Against wrinkles in the upper part of the face allows the rotational movement of the eyes to the right and to the left (5 times). When the palms are placed in the center of the forehead. Pull oval and remove the "bryli" it is possible, if it is to cheer up and remain in this position for 5-7 seconds. Do no less than 10 times.

Evening treatments for the skin

Evening skin more lassus and sensitive, therefore anti aging treatments at this time of day she is just needed. Milk from almonds and restored it and filled with life force. In addition, it has excellent cleansing properties. Pour a handful of миндальных nuts with warm water and soak for 20-30 minutes. After the water drain, clean the tonsils from the peel and cut into grinder or a blender. Add a glass of milk, a teaspoon of any type of honey, mix and apply on face. Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Such a mask they do, both in the morning and before bedtime.

And on the night увлажняйте skin veils with different useful oils. Suitable rosehip, sesame, olive, rose, grape and so on, are Effective even at removing make-up подручными means. For this, apply a few drops of oil on a cotton disk and gently протирайте eyes and lips with circular movements until complete removal of the cosmetic products.

Nourishing mask with his own hands


To rejuvenate the facial skin has brought tangible results, must necessarily be present nourishing ingredients. Well has proved to be a mask from milk, flour and juice from the lemon. Подогрейте a small amount of milk, add to it 2 tablespoons of flour and lemon juice, stir, until the status of thick cream and apply on face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water without soap.

Quick-procedures – in guests with a glowing face

If you need to urgently leave home, and before significant events, visits of guests or for an important business meeting, take advantage of the tips on quick rejuvenation of the skin. Rub them on a grater apple, mix the potatoes with two tablespoons of honey and подержите this mixture on your face for 2-5 minutes. Remove the mask using warm olive or other vegetable oil, смочив in it a cotton disk or a napkin.

Simple rejuvenating agent it is fruit, vegetables and berries, which is applied to the problem area in the fresh state. Cucumber, slices кружочками – classic cosmetics, proven by generations of women. There you can include fresh strawberries, raspberries, peaches.

Beautician – the best friend of women over 40

Home remedies, it is better to combine with professional procedures. Today in beauty salons offers a variety of treatments shaping of plastics: an introduction to the injection of hyaluronic acid, plasmolifting, bioreinforcement, мезотерапию, laser шлифовку and many more. Such care and recovery are not effective enough, trahi oval of the face, eliminates wrinkles and other skin defects. These procedures are expressed as a rejuvenating effect. For the amplification effect in the breaks between the use of folk cosmetics, prepared with his own hands. Homemade recipes, as well as a modern cream it is possible to use even those women who have contraindications to injections and other types of konturní sculpture.

In order to look amazing even in a mature age, совмещайте regular and thorough home care and салонные procedures. And then time will tell, not domineering over your beauty and неувядающей молодостью.